Andrew Kemei

Andrew Kemei is a Class 2 teacher at Bridge, Isinya which lies 60km south of Nairobi in the Kajiado County of southern Kenya.

Andrew is known as a gifted storyteller, which he believes is a powerful educational tool. His students, he says, come to school to learn and to hear new stories.

Many of the stories that Andrew tells are traditional folk tales, which he says the children love, “during breaks and co-curricula activities, pupils sit with me and listen to them intently.”

Andrew is such a master storyteller, he’s figured out what stories different audiences like best. “Nursery to Class 2 pupils like cat and mouse stories,” he explains, “while Class 3 to Class 8 prefer stories about mighty animals like elephants and lions.” Amongst those pupils could be the next generation of teachers, inspired by Andrew.

Like many great storytellers, Andrew appreciates a story that not only entertains but also holds up a mirror to the world. He tells stories of hard work, and reward. Most importantly, he engages his pupils to make learning fun for them.
