Cheryl Mmboga
Thirteen-year-old Cheryl goes to Bridge, Isibania in Migori. She moved to Bridge three years ago because she was fed up of her old teachers not showing up to class. In her village, most houses are made of mud like hers; at home she lives with her mother and father who farm maize and beans. She has two brothers—one in college and one in Class Six—as well as one sister in Class Four. They all walk to school together, which takes them over an hour so they’re often tired. She said: “In my village the people are so kind, I hope when I’m older I can improve their standard of living.”
In school she is the librarian; she loves reading and her favourite book is Django,”I love the animals,” she adds. Her best subject is Science, she enjoys learning about the importance of hygiene. When she’s older she wants to become a surgeon to help sick people.
She said: “I have changed so much since Bridge, now I can read all the books I want to. I know when I’m older I’ll be able to do anything I put my mind to.”