Bridge Kenya KPSEA Results

At the end of their primary education every Grade 6 Kenya pupil must sit for the KPSEA –  which is the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exam.

KPSEA exams are administered and managed by the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC), the national body responsible for overseeing national examinations in Kenya.

Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) was to replace the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) under the new Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) timetable however a directive by the government stated that Grade 6 exams won’t be used in Junior Secondary placement but will be used to monitor learning progress of the pupils.

Bridge Kenya has designed a robust exam prep program for its pupils that covers the KPSEA sections: Mathematics, English, Kiswahili, Integrated Science, Creative Arts and Social Studies

The SBA (School Based Assessments) contributes 60% which was done in Grade 3 (20%), Grade 4 (20%), and Grade 5 (20%) while the KPSEA contributes 40% to a total of 100%. This is to ensure we do not rely on a one-time assessment to determine the potential of a learner. The maximum possible score is 100. Any score above 70 marks is considered exceptional.

For the very first year, pupils at Bridge International Academies have performed exceptionally well in the KPSEA 2022 exams, the first of its kind.


National exam results         

Click to view National exam results:

National exam results: Year 2 (2023)









